Young Adult's Books

They Call Me CAT

* For young adults

* For parents, foster parents, guardians, teachers, social workers, therapists, those living with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

They Call Me CAT is the amalgamation of the three books in the 9 LIVES Trilogy, a 2009 Gold Level Mom’s Choice Award Winning Young Adult Series.

This book tells the story of Joshua, a young African American boy who was adopted as an older child, and who lives in an interracial home with two loving mothers. Joshua is a tenacious child who, like a lucky feline, defies death on several occasions. 

His challenges began while he was still in his birth mother’s womb. Like many adopted teens, Joshua struggles to understand his identity and his past. 

This is a tale of self discovery and learning to cope with the challenges of living with a brain disability caused by fetal exposure to alcohol. It is a story of survival, relationships, love, and hope.

Mom's Choice Awards®

2009 Award Recipient
Young Adult Books Series

9 Lives, I will survive

Joshua is a tenacious young boy who, like a lucky feline, appears to live a charmed life by defying death on several occasions. His challenges began while he was still in his birth mother’s womb. This is a story of survival, and the interracial adoption of an older, special needs child into a home with two loving and committed mothers.

9 Lives, Cat Tales

9 Lives, Full Circle